Wylie's Act Of Kindness

However you found this page, thank you for stopping here. Whether you gave or received a Random Act of Kindness in Wylie's name or whether you know us personally, thank you for remembering Wylie. If you don't know us personally, let me introduce myself. My name is Lindsay and this is my blog. I live in Coral Springs, Florida with my husband and our beautiful son, Ethan, who is four year old. On May 23rd, 2014, I gave birth to our second child -- a beautiful little girl named Wylie Meadow. Two weeks prior to her birth she was diagnosed in utero with a series of severe congenital heart defects and she was born still on our fifth wedding anniversary, of all days. May 23rd, 2014.

"Ronan taught me that children do not exist to honor their parents; their parents exist to honor them." - Emily Rapp, The Still Point Of The Turning World

A friend and fellow loss mom, Rebecca, inspired me to begin these acts of kindness in Wylie's memory. I thought it would be fascinating to see all of the places that these acts of kindness have been and all of the people who in turn had the opportunity to know Wylie. I've also made the promise to myself to not let her baby book sit empty and I feel this is just another way I could keep it filled as time goes on, which is why I'd love for you to tell me where Wylie's legacy has been.

If you've given a random of act of kindness in Wylie's name or if you've received one in her name, I'd love for you to let me know what the act of kindness was and where you are located! If you have a photo, that would be wonderful, too. I will be printing them out for her baby book so that her legacy may continue on even when her life cannot. (Feel free to use #wyliesactsofkindness as well -- I'm a little bit of a social media geek.)

Feel free to make your own cards (I set up wyliesactsofkindness.com for easy reference!) but if you wanted to use the ones I created, I set them up so you can download them!

One per page

Two per page

Four per page

Thank you for helping me keep my daughter's name out there and her legacy alive. This world could always use a little more kindness and, of course, it means so much to our family.




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