I'm really excited to share this product with you guys today. The Germ Terminator is a countertop toothbrush sanitizer that cleans your toothbrushes using a powerful and effective blend of steam and dry heat. Your toothbrushes are then stored in a germ-free environment until you're ready to use them again. Finding out that a product like this existed was so exciting to me. I'm pretty neurotic about germs (if you haven't noticed), especially when it came to Ethan's toothbrush. I was replacing his toothbrush twice weekly just to keep the germs at bay. With his less than stellar immune system, it felt like playing with fire continually using the same toothbrush. After all, it's no secret how many germs and bacteria that a standard toothbrush can hold. The Germ Terminator ends my seemingly endless toothbrush shopping sprees and helps ease my neurosis for a bit. I was pretty impressed with how easy it is to use, from set up (which I did myself in about thirty seconds) to use. All you have to do is pour one little cap-ful of water into the reservoir and the Germ Terminator does the rest for you.
Once you pour the water in, steam immediately begins to fill the toothbrush chamber. I love that this uses steam to clean and disinfect the toothbrushes. I've seen plenty of other toothbrush cleansers on the market and was pretty repulsed by the idea of spraying chemicals onto the bristles that I'm just going to stick into Ethan's mouth. So what about the ultraviolet light sterilizers? UV rays can only clean the areas exposed to the light, like flat surfaces or the air. Steam can effectively clean between bristles and the Germ Terminator then stores your toothbrushes in a germ free environment until next use. It's the safest, the most natural and the most effective product out there -- it kills over 99.9% of germs! From influenza to e.coli, the Germ Terminator gets rid of them all.
BUY IT: The Germ Terminator retails for $49.99 and can be purchased here on their website!
DO YOU BLOG? If you're a blogger interested in the Germ Terminator, they want to hear from you! Please e-mail me your name and a link to your blog for more information!
WIN IT: The awesome folks over at Germ Terminator are offering one of my readers the chance to win an ultimate Germ Terminator prize pack! The winner will receive one Germ Terminator toothbrush sanitizer ($49.99), a waterproof travel case ($34.95) and a copy of the book Why You're Toothbrush Might Be Killing You Slowly by Germ Terminator CEO James Song.
The giveaway is open to US residents and ends at 12:01 a.m. on June 27th. Good luck!
I knew that oral health was important for conceiving and pregnancy, but I didn't realize that it could be responsible for premature birth or low birth weight. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteMy germaphobe self just squee'd with delight over this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThis would be wonderful for us, too... replacing Regan's brushes so often is annoying!! :) I was surprised that the UV ones only clean the outside, or what the light hits. Time for steam!
ReplyDeleteI really never thought about how gross toothbrushes actually were. Before this, I didn't even know these products existed but I need one now!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that germs re-enter your mouth and infect your bloodstream though tiny cuts in the gums.
ReplyDeletetheir product was featured on The View talk show
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