This past Tuesday was the Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower Miami and I was honored to be able to attend with Heather! I was lucky enough to also be able to attend the event last year as well and was so excited to attend again this year, especially being that I'm currently pregnant! It's truly crazy how quickly baby products evolve and it was wonderful to be able to get myself up to speed with what to expect for this next baby as well! The Biggest Baby Shower ran for three hours and we were there until the very last second, soaking up every bit of baby product knowledge. There was so much to see, so much to learn and so many wonderful companies to talk to!

The first table we saw was the Ergo table. Ergo has been my favorite baby carrier since Ethan was a newborn and it was so cool to see that they recently developed a wrap as well as a front-facing carrier! Because we all know the dangers of traditional front facing carriers, it was awesome to see how Ergo had constructed theirs to ensure it was safe for baby.

From there we made our way to the Orbit Baby display. I was surprised to learn that Orbit Baby also make car seats and that not only do they make car seats, but they make car seats beautifully. Heather and I were in awe of the lightweight seats with the practical carrying strap and the simple way they click together with the base. I loved being able to test out Orbit Baby's amazing strollers which are equal parts practicality and sheer beauty tied up in one. We more or less had to be pried away from Orbit Baby's display!

We also got to meet the super friendly and helpful Dr. Smith's staff. I had never heard of the Dr. Smith's diaper ointment prior to this event and it was wonderful to be able to pick their brain about their product. Unlike most moms, I don't have a tried and true diaper rash ointment (not to jinx it, we haven't had many diaper rashes at all) but I do know that I sure don't like those heavy, white, cake-like balms. Dr. Smith's goes on clear and thinner. I loved that they also had a mom as a spokesperson rather than just the company employees, and it was wonderful to be able to speak with her about issues we face as moms on a regular basis. I was excited to try out the Dr. Smith's product on Ethan before and after swim class since he experiences chaffing and irritation from the swim diaper -- and can't wait to do so, if this Florida rain would ever let up and let us have our swim class!

The UPPAbaby display was a real treat. I've been dying to check out their infant seats up close and was blown away by how narrow they are. I am not very shy about how much I love Ethan's Diono Radian because of how narrow it is, making it easy for us to extended rearface even in my tiny car. To see an infant seat with the same amazing size -- and safety! -- speculations was so cool. We also loved flipping through UPPAbaby's color swatches to admire all of the different patterns and colors their products come in, which was a huge surprise. It was nice to see a company offer so much variety so there truly is something for everyone! An extra bonus to our time at the UPPAbaby display was meeting the wonderful Theo from Magic Beans. Theo is a car seat technician and so sweetly answered all of my ten thousand questions and even showed us a few how-to's with UPPAbaby's truly innovative infant seat, the Mesa.

I loved being able to meet the folks at Beco baby carriers! I never had a Beco with Ethan and so I didn't know what to expect or what set Beco apart from the other baby carriers on the market. I did love the way that the Beco criss-crossed in the back which was really comfortable as well as extra sturdy. I also loved the attachable pocket that can attach to the carrier as extra storage.

I also loved meeting Mima and seeing their products up close. Not only are they luxurious and absolutely gorgeous to look at, they're super practical and functional as well. Heather and I got to watch a (reclining!) infant seat to turn into a high chair to turn into a regular reclining lounger! When admiring their stroller, the Kobi, we learned the carry cot is actually stored inside the stroller seat itself. That means in fifteen seconds you can convert your stroller from carry cot to a regular seat without needing any extra parts or pieces to carry around. Um, can you say brilliant? I'm also pretty sure I had to be pulled away with force from the Mima display. I couldn't get enough!

It was also great to see Daddy Scrubs again! At an event catered to mostly moms and moms-to-be, it was great to have something there for the dads, too. I fell in love with Daddy Scrubs at last year's Biggest Baby Shower and am looking forward to getting a pair of the scrubs for my husband for this next delivery! If you're not currently expecting or don't plan on any more kids in the future, Daddy Scrubs still had a slew of other thoughtful, wonderful gifts for dad. We loved this "daddy" tie in a cute keepsake box!

It was also great meeting the husband and wife team who make up Snapants. You know those super cute rompers for infants with all of the snaps? The ones I fully admit to never being able to figure out, especially the ones that went from layette gown to pants? Snapants solves that problem by using color-coded snaps. Instead of trying to figure out how to put that nearly impossible romper together, you just match up the colors. So totally cute, right?!

Marpac was a vendor I was looking forward to talking to from the moment I heard they were coming! Their product, the Dohm, is the official sleep conditioner of the National Sleep Foundation. And if there is one thing that just flat-out does not happen at our house, it's sleep. I was desperate to pick their brains and talk to them -- or, rather, beg them -- to help me figure out why my child refuses to sleep through the night at nearly three years old. It was like hearing angels singing when I saw the stack of Dohmie conditioners and peaceful, sleepy, sweet imagery there on the table. The folks at Marpac know about sleep and why it's important (and how to make it happen!) and we are so excited to try out our Dohmie sleep conditioner!

I am a proud Joovy mom and blogger and couldn't wait to see Pam from Joovy again as well as fawn over all of their amazing products. My husband and I decided from the moment those two pink lines appeared that we'd be registering for Joovy's amazing Boob bottles this go-round. As with everything Joovy puts out, they're just awesome. Heather and I spent a great deal of time at Joovy's display gushing over just about everything, from the gorgeous TooQool double stroller to the Moon Room that we never could have survived without when Ethan was smaller! Joovy flat-out rools. (See what I did there?)

Heather and I also got try some samples of Bundle Organics juices for the expectant mom. Pasteurized and filled with not only healthy fruits and veggies but also folic acid and other vitamins and nutrients an expectant mommy needs, I was actually pleasantly surprised by how yummy it was! I tried the carrot, ginger, orange and strawberry juice and it tasted just like a yummy smoothie!
Other highlights to the amazing night?

Tommee Tippee's Perfect Prep Machine is like a Keurig for formula feeders. So totally cool!
The beverages were provided by La Croix water who must have subliminally known sparkling water has been my savior this pregnancy. I love that their flavors are all natural as well. So good!
We banked Ethan's cord blood and tissue with CBR and I loved being able to discuss banking for this next baby, too!
It is always great to see Keymia, Happy Family's Miami rep. We got to snack on their new pumpkin chocolate toddler cookies -- and they were so yummy!
It's always wonderful seeing Pediped and gushing over their amazing assortment of shoes for little feet. I also learned that their sizes go up pretty big for older kids, too! You're never too old for proper foot support.
We got to try some deep fried red velvet Oreos and yummy kettle corn by Donut Divas. And, yes, Heather and I totally only ate one. Willpower (or stupidity -- so yummy!).
We also got to see Baby Mushroom's solution to the all-tile problem with The Snug Square playmat!
With us living an hour away from Miami, it was cool to run into our hometown friends from Party In Pink. This is Ethan's favorite place to get his favorite snazzy glitter tattoos!
We loved playing games with the National Honey Board and learning more about honey and all of it's goodness (such as, it's safe for breastfeeding and pregnancy! Who knew?!).
2014's Biggest Baby Shower Miami was an absolutely fantastic evening. I promptly came home and talked my husband's ear off well past midnight about all that I had learned and all we had to prepare for as we go into this newborn gig a second time.

And, can you say swag bags? It was awesome watching so many expectant mommies win some pretty sweet baby gear throughout the night, but I love that Big City Moms ensures everyone is a winner by sending them home with all of the goodies they could need to get started on that baby stockpile!

(And, you know, cat not included.)
A huge thank you to the Big City Moms, all of the vendors and the always-awesome Robin Diamond for inviting Heather and I to attend this year's mega-event!

Thanks for the great review Lindsay! It was nice meeting you at Big City Moms Miami! Take care, Kwany @ Bundle Organics
ReplyDeleteWow... looks like Mom paradise to me :)
ReplyDeleteBaby shower is one of the most special occasion in which we are celebrating with theme parties and baby shower gifts to welcome the upcoming baby in advance. Especially in western countries we have found this celebration but apart from western countries in Australia and neighboring countries we have also found this celebration. In this article we have found the biggest every baby shower celebration at Miami in 2014 most of the expected mothers are taking part in this celebration and enjoying the theme party with adorable baby shower gifts.
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