I have these great intentions to compose these elaborate blog posts but something's been happening, something's been getting in the way -- time, maybe, or the lack thereof. Something of that nature. All these things I'm dying to mention, to write about, swirling around in my brain and then all of the sudden it's dark outside and I can't believe the clock is telling the truth. These days have all been so full. Filled to the brim to the point where there is little to no white space left on my dry erase calendar that spells out our month for me because Ethan is far more popular than I ever was. Filled to the brim with places to go, people to see, recipes to make, activities to try. Yesterday my mind bubbled over a bit and I was left biting my nails and frantic that all of these things couldn't fit into a day even if I wanted them to.

We spent the morning at a splash pad with some friends. The splash pad belongs to a park that was built when I was in middle school and had no interest in such childish things. It's different now as an adult, running through the sprinklers in your clothes just to watch your child erupt with laughter, knowing you'll be driving home in soaking wet clothes but also knowing that's okay because his laughter makes it worth it. His laughter is everything. And these days, his laughter is booming, his smile is everywhere, his personality is lighting up the sky like the summer sunshine.
Each night I kiss Ethan goodnight and repeat a line from a Taylor Swift song that I've been reciting to him since he was born: I had the best day with you today. Each night I wish him the sweetest of dreams and when he does sleep, when he does dream, I swear something magical is happening. Each morning he wakes up a little bit older than he was the day before, a little bit more like a kid and less like a baby. Each day I am captivated by the fact that here he is, my son, with his larger than life personality (and belly to match!) running up and down the splash pad like he's been running all his life. This afternoon, I chased him around the park perimeter and he didn't stumble once.
These days, we are busy. We go to bed absolutely tired, not a spark of life left in us. But these days have been so very good. So, so very good. We've really been living.

We have a splash pad here in St. Louis that I can't wait to take Gage to next summer when he can really enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Ethan had SO much fun!
This happens to me too... I have these elaborate, and intelligent posts in my mind, then I sit down and I forget everything. Someday I'll get better at that.
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are great, it looks like so much fun!
they grow up much too fast! lovely post.