Once upon a time, I had a baby and realized none of my friends had babies and thought I'd never, ever have any mom friends and both Ethan and I would be destined to be lonely, miserable people forever. When Ethan was two months old, we joined My Gym and found a group of friends who became just that -- friends. From the time our babies just laid on blankets and stared up at us blankly to now that they're beginning to ask for one another by name, we've formed this awesome, strong group of friends and I love it. As I'm glued to my computer while also participating in today's Blog-A-Thon, I felt compelled to make this post and say thank you to this wonderful group of moms who have stepped into our lives and ensured that, no, Ethan and I won't be lonely and friendless forever. (There are some faces missing from this photo but you all know who you are and how grateful I am towards you and how grateful Ethan is for your snacks which inevitably are better than the ones I pack him!)
Yesterday a bunch of us had a private cooking class at a local children's cooking school. Getting a group of toddlers together to decorate chef hats and soft pretzels is much more a work-out than it seems but it was a wonderful afternoon spent with a great group of friends. As a mother, I've found it so refreshing to be able to declare that I don't even remember the last time I've washed my hair and have others commiserate. I love not apologizing for my dirty floors that just won't stay clean or having to explain away or defend Ethan's sodium-free multi-grain O's that taste like cardboard. It's wonderful being able to text someone about your child's relentlessly red butt and knowing they'll be able to offer some reassuring advice or at least a sympathetic story about the time their child had a red butt that just wouldn't quit, either. Motherhood sure isn't glamorous, but it's a total blast if you're in it with the right group of friends.

Yesterday we made up a Kindermusik class that we missed due to Ethan being sick. It was a new day, time and location and therefore a new group of kids altogether. Ethan sat there during the class, his hand placed nervously on my knee. He needed my reassurance and encouragement to play with the instruments he plays with every week during our own class. Even the teacher noticed he wasn't really being himself. Later that afternoon was our cooking class and I watched as Ethan looked through the glass and saw his friends walking towards the store. He pointed, turned to me with this excited smile on his face and ran up to the window to push his face against the glass, smiling as he watched his friends enter the store. I always knew that he knew his friends, seeing as how most of them have been together for over a year of their little lives, but I didn't realize just how much he understood what friendship truly was. It warmed my heart to know that Ethan already has this strong grasp on friendship -- and what wonderful friends we're fortunate enough to have!

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