
blogging for good, blogging for breathing.

Things have been slightly quiet over here on this blog, not for any reason in particular aside from the general chaos of everyday life. My words and thoughts have been at a little bit of a standstill, a little preoccupied. I can explain.

Last year, my dear friend Katie and I created and participated in the 2012 Blogathon. This means that we both blogged once every thirty minutes for 24 hours straight to raise funds for our respective charities. What we didn't anticipate would be that our means to back causes near and dear to us would turn into something bigger, or all of the amazing prizes that our sponsors would donate to be raffled off to the donors. (You see, much like a walkathon, swimathon, marathon, etc. requires donations to reach fundraising goals, the Blogathon does the same -- for every $5 someone donates to us, they're eligible to win some pretty sweet prizes!)

This year, we revamped our Blogathon blogging platforms and are bringing the Blogathon back for another round in 2013. All of my creative energy has been poured into this blogging platform and the creation of the Blogathon 2013. The event doesn't kick off until August, but I'm excited to announce that already so many fabulous sponsors have jumped on board to donate prizes. Enter the brand-new A is for Albuterol:

If you've been reading this little blog of mine for long enough, you're familiar with the fact that Ethan suffers from his fair share of respiratory issues.

His nebulizer is our morning ritual and our before night-night pit stop -- when he's well. I've had my fair share of resentment, sadness and frustration over it all but, really, I learned how truly lucky we were to have this in-home nebulizer for Ethan. Last year, I learned about a worldwide medical relief organization called Global Links who happen to fund a nebulizer campaign. They provide those in need with nebulizers -- especially in areas where asthma is on the rise -- so that no mother has to carry their child for miles, for days, listening to them gasp for air and hoping that they're able to find a shared community nebulizer at all, let alone in time. There is nothing more haunting to me than that thought, listening helplessly as my child gasps for air and not being able to do anything about it. This year, I will once again be blogging for Global Links and their nebulizer campaign to ensure that no child has to die due to their inability to breathe.

The response that I've received last year has been inspiring and given me the push I need to make this year bigger and better. One of the new things available this year at A is for Albuterol would be free ad space for bloggers. As a blogger myself, I realize how much push and influence bloggers can have in spreading the word. Since my Blogathon blog is shared and viewed by so many around the world, especially as the Blogathon grows closer, I thought offering a new feature titled Bloggers Who Have Our Back would be a way to give back. That means for every blogger who shares our A is for Albuterol button on their blog, they're more than welcome to come link their blog's button on our main page. Sweet deal, and even sweeter in the name of charity. If you're a blogger, check out how!

Other than that, please excuse the dust around here for a while as I collect myself, collect my thoughts and try to refocus my energy (and prepare for an upcoming vacation!). In the mean time, feel free to pop over to A is for Albuterol and lend your support as we prepare for an August 3rd, 2013 kick-off! Ethan and I are eternally grateful for your support!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see your blogathon, I've never heard of it - what a great cause!


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