
Not Quite 6 Weeks yet!

Let's start over.

I had my first doctor's appointment today. Just to show you how spot-on my fantabulously flawless math skills are, I'm actually only 5 1/2 weeks along. Not six like I originally thought. Let's hope this baby has his/her daddy's math skills for the sake of all that is holy.

It wasn't a total bust, though. I got the ample amount of bloodwork out of the way and also got the sheer joy of having my internal exam and internal ultrasound done (I'm wincing as I type that, actually). I do have to come back next week when I'm six weeks along for another ultrasound (you know, like I was supposed to do today before I flubbed the calculations entirely) and my pap smear (wince).

I also got to get an ultrasound picture, which made the whole ordeal worth it. I'm a terrible patient, but walking out with that little picture of my ohsoadorable baby (don't lie, you know it's the cutest thing you've ever seen!) kind of made me feel on top of the world. I couldn't wait to come home, scan it and send it over to my husband. His response? "It has my eyes." Okay, mock me as everyone (inevitably) will, but it's adorable and you know it.

So here I go again, but at 5 1/2 weeks instead of 6. This puts my estimated due date at July 9th instead of the originally planned July 2nd. July 2nd being a lot cooler because it's my husband's birthday, but due dates aren't set in stone.

I do have one request, though: please don't let this baby be Born On The 4th Of July:

(I hate that movie.)


  1. July 9 is a FANTASTIC DAY!!! For two reasons:

    1. It's the day Rhian found out she's having a boy.

    3. You should totally have your baby on my wedding anniversary/Rhian's ultrasound annivesary.

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