
chocolate with sprinkles

Ethan got his hair cut today. It wasn't his first haircut, or even his tenth. Still, he walked into the salon a shaggy little boy who was really, really nervous about his haircut even though he's been there, done that at least twenty five times by now.

And then he walked out as a big, handsome boy.

As we stood outside the salon so I could go snap happy (what else is new?), he asked if we could get ice cream. Chocolate, with sprinkles. He may as well have just asked if he could have the car keys and drive home. We walked down to the frozen yogurt parlor next to the salon. It was closed. I anticipated a tantrum, a lay-on-the-floor-and-scream-at-everything fit. Instead, I got an "It's okay, mommy. There will be other times to get ice cream. We'll get chocolate with sprinkles next time." I just stood and stared at the teenager standing in front of me.

And then a "my legs are getting tired. Can you carry me to the car?" which came at just the right time. I think he knew I wanted it the way he wanted chocolate with sprinkles.


  1. It's amazing how a little haircut can transform them into big boys! Big boys that still need their mamas thankfully!

  2. Lindsay @ youaretheroots.comOctober 17, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    So, so, so thankfully! Sometimes I wish he didn't mind his hair in his face so I could grow his hair out really long and avoid it altogether! Haha.

  3. My son needs to spend time with YOUR son so he will be better behaved. Or maybe I just need to get Dylan a haircut...but seriously, so polite and sweet! I cannot get enough of him!

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