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Sarah from Walk In Joy
Hello, You are the Roots readers! I am so excited to be here today! I am a wife and a new stay-at-home mommy to a busy baby boy. We’re all very happy together. One reason I love to read Lindsay’s blog is that our babies are exactly the same age, to the day! It’s so fun to see them develop their own, completely different personalities. Babies are amazing!
Today, I decided I like the number three. So here is a post that I like to call, “3x3x3.” Too cheesy? You’re probably right.
3 things about me:
1. I am uncontrollably paranoid of police cars following me. Especially at night, when I can’t tell what kind of car is driving behind me. If your car is a white, grey, or black sedan newer than 1990, chances are I will probably think you’re an unmarked cop. And I will be fearfully obeying every law in the book. :D
2. I love anything that smells or tastes like mint or lemons.
3. I wish my hair were curly and dark brown. However, I’m not brave enough to do anything about it.
3 things about my blog, Walk in Joy:
1. I love writing about the small, real-life moments and realizations that change me for the better.
2. Also, I sometimes blog about crafts, recipes, and eating healthily.
3. I have a goal to gain 100 followers by the end of the summer. I have a long way to go! I’ll be doing special giveaways when I reach 50 and then when I reach 100 to celebrate!
And now for my final three:
3 Things that I Think Women Should Know
First, please know that I don’t pretend to be someone extremely learned or experienced here. I’ve only been married for two and a half years, and I’ve only been a mom for a year and a half (counting the pregnancy). I’m definitely not the paragon of wisdom when it comes to all things woman. But I’m slowly starting to realize the importance of these three things. They change my attitude and my priorities each day as I learn more about my womanhood.
1. A Woman is a Homemaker. I don’t mean this in a housewife-y sense. I think my meaning will be clearer if we break it down a little. Home implies more than a house. It’s a place where you feel completely safe, totally free to be yourself. It’s a place that is filled with the security of unconditional love. Maker also means more than its obvious definition. It implies a connection to THE Maker, God. When we make a home, it is more than four walls and a roof. It extends far beyond that, both within and outside our houses. We women have the power to make a “home” wherever we are. We have the ability to make our environment—wherever that may be—a better, happier place, just through the simple power of our presence and the kind of “aura” we emanate. It reminds me of a quote by Marianne Williamson: “As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” I think this is a big part of womanhood. Does that make sense? I hope so!
2. Go on dates with your husband. I realize that not everyone reading this is married, but I still think it’s important to keep in mind. It makes me so sad when I hear women laugh and say they haven’t been on a date with their husband in years. “Date?” they say. “What’s a date? Finding good babysitters is so hard. We’re always so busy. We have no money to spend on movies and dinners.” I’ve been there, too, especially with the money thing (still there, actually…). But making time for dates with my husband builds and helps in so many ways that I think it’s worth the sacrifices. Personally, I find nothing so renewing to my relationship with my husband as leaving the baby behind for a few hours. When I have time once or twice a month to hold hands with him while we go on a walk, to actually look at him while talking across a dinner table, to remember that there’s more to our relationship than being parents, I always come away feeling more in love than ever. It also give me time to de-stress from the pressures of motherhood. I cannot recommend “dating” your husband highly enough!!!
3. You have all the tools necessary for happiness. An amazing woman named Camilla Kimball once said, “You do not find the happy life. You make it.” I have this quote on a magnet on my fridge, and it really helps me keep things in perspective. Even though I have wish lists full of things and opportunities I probably won’t get for a while, this quote teaches me that I have all the tools I need to be happy right now, and I feel confident enough to say that this is true of you, too! Of course, we all have our share of bad days, but overall, I think what Camilla Kimball said is worth remembering. I saw this hilarious quote the other day that explains this idea perfectly. (I can’t find who said it, sorry!) It says: “Dear optimists, pessimists, and realists: While you were all arguing over the glass of water, I just drank it. Sincerely, an opportunist.”
Well, I think that’s all I have to say today. Thanks for reading my silly little bits of advice! Please stop by my blog and say hello!
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