I was pretty excited to do a review of Kid Basix's Safe Sippy 2 just from reading so many great things about the product (and company). Once Ethan's Safe Sippy 2 arrived, it was apparent it was so much more than just a cup. You know how some kids carry around beloved stuffed animals or blankets until they're ratty and tattered, needing their "lovey" with them everywhere they go? Yeah. That's what the Safe Sippy 2 has become for Ethan (did you see our pumpkin patch photos from yesterday? The cup even made it into our family photos!). We honestly can't go anywhere without it and, truth be told, I don't think we've even ventured to the grocery store without it since receiving it for review. Ethan's always been good about drinking a decent amount of water throughout the day but there must be something magical about the Safe Sippy 2 because he absolutely loves drinking from it -- sometimes I refill the 11 ounce cup up to four times per day!

There are just so many important things about this cup and why it's special, but let me explain how it all works: there's the stainless steel cup with the innovative spout, a dust cover to keep the spout safe from lurking germs, the sippy valve (which provides an even flow of fluid and spill prevention), the straw and it's adapter and the travel plug that stops leaks. Yeah, I said it: stops leaks. It's been so nice to not have to change Ethan's shirt because it's soaked in water from a leaky sippy cup and so nice not having to try to absorb water out of the bottom of my purse or diaper bag.

The Safe Sippy 2 is a BPA-free cup made from stainless steel instead of plastic. We all know how much better cool, crisp water tastes from a stainless steel or glass bottle versus plastic. Even more important than taste is the fact that this food grade stainless steel is antimicrobial and non-leaching. It means less plastic stuck in landfills. It means it's not the end of the world when you accidentally leave a sippy cup in your car because your hands are so full with grocery bags and a squirmy toddler. I've thrown away plenty of plastic cups that had been accidentally left in the heat which not only are a complete waste of money, but a fairly big danger.
In addition to the lightweight stainless steel body, the sleeve is made of thermo plastic rubber which helps keep the liquid inside cold. If your kid is a cup tosser like Ethan, it also helps protect the cup from breaking. I can vouch for the sleeve: it works. It works when the cup is thrown down on the driveway pavers, thrown at the side of my car, thrown from a highchair onto the tile.

I love the unique spout on the Safe Sippy 2. It's designed with developing palates in mind. The problem with wider, flatter cup spouts is that it emulates thumb sucking. Alright, let's be honest: I love everything about this cup and Kid-Basix as a company. It's always so refreshing to see a company that makes it's products with our children and their safety, health and well-being in mind. In addition to the fabulous Safe Sippy 2, Kid Basix also offers a stainless steel sports bottle, sippy cup and baby bottle. When Ethan was still being bottlefed, I hated the idea of plastic bottles so much that I went out and replaced the plastic bottles with glass. Glass, a baby and four cats don't really mix and I was cleaning up shards of glass more than I care to admit. Knowing now about Kid Basix's stainless steel baby bottles (The Safe Starter), I've already decided they'll be our bottle of choice whenever the time comes for baby #2. Kid Basix mean it when they say they've rethought everything. I am beyond impressed with their products and the effort they put into proper safety measures. I think Ethan would agree.

SAVE 20% NOW: The wonderful people over at Kid Basix are offering my readers an exclusive 20% off discount through the month of October! Simply enter the promotional code theroots20 upon check-out to receive your discount. Get to shopping!
For more information on Kid Basix and their fabulous, safe products, visit them online at www.kid-basix.com or on Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks for sharing, Lindsay!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting blog you have here. I'm impressed. Thank you for joining e.a.s.y. Tuesday. Be sure and come back again, soon.
ReplyDeleteo and I'm your newest follower, too. I'll tell my daughters about these cups.
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